












Through the promotion of IDA membership and with the concept of PBMG ,
the insurance companies will reach the goals as follows:

1、Own A Productive and Profitable Business Team

The high standard of IDA becomes the greatest drive to promote the business. Such impetus of honor is higher than material-pursuing, which to create the most benefits for the business.

2、Own An Entirely High-Quality Business Team

IDA emphasizes that the definition of success is not only the sales result but also the quality for the insurance underwriters and financial professionals. IDA focuses honor, perfection, excellence, professionalism, morality, dignity, cultivation, service, and trust, which will help the company to develop the high-quality business team.

3、Own A Business Team with The Professional Knowledge And Skills

The IDA members are the elites come from various region of insurance and financial services industry worldwide. During the Annual Meeting, the IDA members are able to learn the latest, professional, successful ideas, knowledge and skills through sharing their experiences.

4、Own A Business Team With Active, Positive, Sincere, Optimistic, And Straight Values

The focus of IDA such as the mission, professional code, ideas, pursuit, and cultivation is based on the health and substantial beliefs for the individual cultivation, work values, and facing the customers, teams, and company.

5、Own An Excellent Business Team As The Criterion And Paragon

IDA is the successful paragon for the global insurance and financial services industry. IDA sets up a high criterion of success, which is worthy to learn and pursue for the global insurance underwriters and financial professionals.

6、Own A Energetic and Successful Business Team

IDA membership comprises thousands of successful professionals of insurance and financial services industry all over the world. The IDA annual meeting offers inspiration, cutting-edge ideas and opportunity for members to develop business relationships with peers. It will encourage yourself and other partners to accountable for your action.