

◆工作:精益求精    ◆家庭:悉心愛護

◆財務:妥善規劃    ◆事業:永續經營

◆公益:參與奉獻    ◆時間:合理安排

◆經驗:無私分享    ◆人際:寬厚包容

◆健康:潔身自好    ◆精神:平衡祥和




◆培養智慧思考     ◆培養品味內涵

◆培養團隊紀律     ◆培養負責誠信

◆培養專業涵養     ◆培養倫理道德

◆培養人文精神     ◆培養社會關懷




Pursuit of IDA: High-quality Lifestyle


◆ Work: Keep improving ◆ Finance: Plan properly

◆ Public Welfare: Participate and Contribute ◆ Experience: Share unselfishly 

◆ Health: Self discipline ◆ Family: Cherish and caring 

◆ Career: Consistently ◆ Time: Manage reasonably 

◆ Relationship: Forgiveness ◆ Spirit: Balanced and peaceful



Cultivation of IDA: Noble-Minded Personality


◆ Cultivate the intellectual ability ◆ Cultivate the teamwork discipline

◆ Cultivate the professional ability ◆ Cultivate the humanism

◆ Cultivate the sense and personality ◆ Cultivate the responsibility and integrity

◆ Cultivate the ethnics ◆ Cultivate the social concern