國際龍獎的IDA的專業準則 (Professional Code of the IDA)


國際龍獎IDA的會員有責任和義務保證個人行為和操守,不會敗壞所服務機構和保險行業的名譽。國際龍獎IDA會員應時時刻刻提醒自己:嚴格遵守《國際龍獎IDA專業準則(Professional Code of the IDA)》,提升自己和會員們的整體專業素養、形象和社會地位,進而繁榮保險業、促進業界的健康發展。因此,會員們應嚴格遵守和履行如下專業準則:

◆ 遵紀守法,嚴格遵守服務所在地的所有相關法令規定。

◆ 恪守誠信,杜絕不實行銷及增員,以專業、誠實和負責的態度面對所服務的機構及帶領的工作夥伴和客戶。

◆ 要誠實準確地提供客戶所有必要的資料,告之正確無誤的事實。

◆ 永遠置客戶的利益、團隊的利益於自身的利益之上。

◆ 客戶之個人、家庭及商務資料,應善盡保密之責任。

◆ 任何為客戶提供的建議應以客戶的利益最大化、保障其財務安全為前提條件。

◆ 杜絕一切有損客戶利益、所服務機構、所帶領團隊和行業形象的不當行為。

◆ 通過不斷學習、進修來提升專業知識和專業技能,進而以最高標準;服務客戶和領導團隊。

◆ 應重視個人行為,以展現個人、所服務的機構、行業及國際龍獎IDA的良好形象。

◆ 永遠按最高標準的專業準則經營業務和帶領團隊。

Professional Code of the IDA


IDA members have the responsibility and obligation to confirm that their behavior and conduct won't hurt the reputation of their serving organization and the industry. IDA members should be ever mindful that complete compliance with and observance of the Professional Code of the IDA shall serve to promote the professional image, accomplishment and social status of membership, and benefit the industry's development in a prosperous and healthy way. Therefore, members shall:

◆ Abide by and conform to all provisions of the laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they do business.

◆ Be honest, do the best to prevent any fraudulent marketing recruiting conduct, and treat their serving organization, partners, and clients with professionalism, honesty, and responsibility.

◆ Make full and adequate disclosure of all facts necessary to enable their clients to make informed decisions.

◆ At all times put the best interests if their clients and team above their own interests.

◆ Hold in the strictest confidence and consider as privileged, all personal, family and business information pertaining to their clients' affairs.

◆ All the suggestions and proposals provided to the clients should be based on the maximization of the clients' benefits and the protection of their financial security.

◆ Preclude any improper behavior that might unfavorable to the benefits of their clients and the images of their serving organization, team and industry.

◆ Maintain the highest standards of professional competence to serve the clients and lead the team by seeking continuing education to maintain and improve professional knowledge and skills.

◆ At all times maintain personal conduct which will reflect favorably on the image of their serving organization, the industry and the IDA.

◆ Always operate the business and conduct the team at the highest professional standards.