國際龍獎IDA緣起 Origin of IDA


  保險行銷集團(IMM INTERNATIONAL)於1998年第二屆世界華人保險大會宣佈設立《國際龍獎IDA(International Dragon Award)》,提供一個公正客觀的標準,進行嚴格謹慎的資格審核,並透過獎項的頒予及《國際龍獎IDA名人錄》(IDA Who’ s Who)的出版,給予優秀的金融保險精英們國際性的榮譽與肯定。






        持續健康發展是現今全球金融保險社會永遠探討的主題。為順應時代的轉變及金融保險市場的經營發展趨勢,國際龍獎IDA執行委員會基於PBMG(Partnership in Business & Management Growth—業務及管理成長夥伴)的使命感,全力協助金融保險專業人員積極提升和轉型。國際龍獎IDA認為金融保險專業人員除了追求事業的成就外,應有更崇高的目標,如典範、完美、尊貴”(Paragon, Perfect, Noble)的理念、優質生活的追求、專業準則的奉行、高尚人格的修為、職業尊嚴的樹立以及良好事業環境的塑造等。






Origin of IDA


  International Dragon Award (IDA) is set up by IMM International during the second Worldwide Chinese Life Insurance Congress (WCLIC) of 1998. Based on the fair and objective evaluations and verifications, we honor IDA to the insurance and financial service professionals and endorse their outstanding achievements through publishing IDA Who’ s Who.


  The honor and esteem of IDA represents the success as the excellent worldwide Chinese insurance and financial professionals. IDA is not a claptrap but to insist our concepts and missions. IDA is getting acquainted with all friends around the world and expands our spirits and intelligences, through borderless sharing, learning, and pursuing the growth and excellence.


  Since the foundation of IDA, it has been valued and approved by the worldwide Chinese insurance and financial industry, which there are increasing applications each year. IDA becomes the worldwide Chinese insurance and financial services professionals hall of fame.


  The theme of worldwide insurance and financial industry is always to develop continuously and healthily. For dealing with the fluctuation of economic situations and the development of the insurance and financial service market, the executive commission of IDA is devoted to help insurance and financial professionals to promote and transform based on the mission of PBMG (Partnership in Business & Management Growth). Except for seeking the career accomplishment, we should have the noble goals such as the concepts of paragon, perfection and dignity, pursuit of high-quality lifestyle, action of profession codes, behaviors of moral integrity, career dignity, establishment of professional dignity, and molding of good undertaking environment.


  The qualification of the IDA member will not only outline a milestone into your business and life but also indicate that you step into the new field of more professional knowledge, motive power, high-quality thought and lifestyle. Thus, IDA can build up the international status and honor and advocate the high-quality and satisfactory lifestyle for its membership.